19:13 11/06/2010 6.64 miles 1 (tiny) stop lock
Jim the Engineer phoned to say he had the new heater, so we sat and waited and very promptly he arrived, fitting was fast as it was a' drop in' replacement, then we played with the diagnostic software for ages testing out all its functions! I think Jim likes the idea of an ex IT man looking over his shoulder. Eventually much poorer we were on our way up towards Hawkesbury Junction and the Coventry Canal. Soon we turned in to the Ashby and looked for a mooring, a glorious sunny afternoon and evening.
16:17 10/06/2010 10.7 miles
Prompt start in the dry to move on up to the shops at Rugby. Saw an old friend 'Crystal' now working for a new boat yard having left 'Rose narrowboats'. Stocked up from Tesco as usual and moved off again, mooring and canal were remarkably quiet. Pleasant if cold run up through cuttings and across the countryside to Rose boats and on to Ansty, it got colder and more windy as the day wore on, so I was in fleece and waterproof by the time we arrived at our moorings opposite the pub.

18:50 09/06/2010 8.53 miles 3 locks
Watered at Braunston and then up the North Oxford and through Hilmorton Locks - just the right amount of traffic to ever lock was in use and then ready for us - bliss. Slight panic later as I noticed the heater coolant was rapidly vanishing, the coolant was being heated from the calorifier and expanding through the clamps put on to stop us losing it whilst the heating was missing, a gallon of coolant ended in the bilge. Moored in our usual place by the golf club.
16:17 8/06/2010
Found an Engineer to look at the water heater, after valiant efforts on his part (thanks JIMM) it still failed, needed spares would cost nearly as much as a new unit! So we ordered a new unit and will have it fitted en route to the Ashby
19:26 07/06/2010 2.24 miles 6 locks
Started out just before 10 and arrived in Braunston a bare 2 hours and a bit later, tremendous run, straight through the tunnel , well not straight Braunston is known for its kinks.No smog so we could see right through. Only three boats coming the other way so an easy passage. Just moored above the locks and made coffee when more boats arrived so we quickly teemed up and shot down the locks to Braunston. All in all a record run.
19:24 06/06/2010 Day of rest! Already! Watched Mens tennis final in the afternoon.
19:22 05/06/2010 3.57 miles 7 locks
Left Crick Marina via the services, cruising at last after waiting for family member to leave hospital.Easy trip in the sun to Watford locks, and only a short wait before zipping down them and on to Norton junction.Moored as usual at the beginning of the restricted 48hr moorings, the first place the sat tv works! Watched the ladies tennis from Paris.Entertained by a thunderstorm in the evening, Bella was not quite sure what to make of it.